Our Services
Is your team & workforce educated and empowered to engage this unique community?
Hiding in plain sight is an extraordinary opportunity for C-suite executives and team members to dramatically increase their bottom line by tapping into the disability market. All that is needed is a commitment to delivering superior customer experiences along with needed products and services. This is the first step towards creating a significant uptick in loyalty from new and existing customers.
Ready Or Not! Media partners with companies committed to providing access into their organization. Our services delivers to your team a deeper understanding of the disabled community and marketplace.
Designing experiences that enable access and accessibility is the goal.
Immersive Disability Empathy Trainings
Utilizing our disability experts and business specialist, we design and provide experiential and sensibility training for company leaders and staff, on a full or half day basis. Our team, including sign language interpreters are committed to advancing disability empathy and access for everyone.
Witness the change immediately after one goes through the experiential work we provide. We focus on the action part of awareness through compassion, insight, and empathy.

Compelling Event Management Services
We elevate disability empathy within your corporate culture to improve business outcomes through positive engagement and corporate culture.
Our agenda includes: Executive and Leadership Retreats, Membership Special Events, Board and Donor Events, In-person, online and team trainings that will benefit and grow your company. Client case studies have shown increases in team productivity, employee retention and customer satisfaction, all positively impacting your bottom line with this highly loyal and growing market.
Public Speaking
Lori’s expertise and experience enables her to see your mission through the perspective of those with life challenges. As a business professional, Lori has worked in the corporate world, with national and local nonprofits, and as an entrepreneur. Lori understands the unique demands of each type of workplace, the need for inclusive learning cultures, and the importance of supporting original and exciting ideas.
All keynotes are custom-tailored to meet your requirements whether in person or virtual. Lori is available to speak at diversity conferences, meetings, and events.
We can customize our services as required for each engagement.
Keynotes/Speaking Topics
- Silence Has A Sound
- Read My Lips
- Flourishing through Adversity
- Ready or Not! Hear I Come
- The Disability Experience Told

Consultations (Access Audits, Marketing & Branding Campaigns)
Our experts uncover strategies and tactics to increase productivity, expand your outreach and add to your bottom line. We fill resource and knowledge gaps that bring bold thinking and deliver innovative solutions; to solve complex workplace challenges.
We create messaging opportunities to target this untapped and loyal market, via traditional and social media, representing the world’s biggest and most underrepresented minority group.
Ready or Not! Media’s experiential training, mentoring and consulting services are based on real world experiences.