Did you send an invite to EVERYONE?
The events industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world, and yet many event planners and organizers are overlooking an important segment of their potential customer base – the disability market of 1.8 billion people.
Better yet, an untapped market with trillions in purchasing power. Not millions, trillions. $13 trillion to date and growing daily.
Are you READY or NOT to increase your event’s reach, multiply your profits, and build a reputation that your event satisfies all attendees?
FACT, 96% of DEI programs DON’T include disability.
However, employee resource groups (ERG’s) are being implemented to provide resources and drive change within organizations as 1 in every 4 adults has a disability.
“Will there be live captions on today’s powerpoint?”
Organizations across the globe are working toward increasing their bottom line through their successes, but something is still missing.
Where is the empathy? Bigger question, “Where is the + A?” The accessibility.
“Is there a minimum of 14 point sans serif font?”
SHRM elevates the importance of companies going beyond checking the boxes of: blind resume reviews, using diverse candidate sourcing methods, and expanding their outreach efforts to underrepresented groups, but rather, sustainable changes must come about.
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to accessibility. Some are visible and some are invisible.
“Did I share the self-descriptions of physical characteristics of the scene over zoom?”
Is my website physically and cognitively accessible to those with disabilities?
It is time all companies and events encompass everything from dietary, hearing, vision, allergies, mobility, and so much more.
“Is there room in the event budget for assistive listening devices or on-site interpretive services?”
“Is the flooring safe, are there accessible toilets and proper parking?” “How about emergency planning?”
Lift Access!
It is time we put an end to exclusion and inaccessible events that happen every day. Recent national news shared a story highlighting Denver Councilman, Chris Hinds, who was forced to physically hoist himself on to the stage as it was not wheelchair accessible at a debate, “Oh, I didn’t know you were in a wheelchair,” stated the individual who greeted him.
After signing an application stating that they were basic ADA compliant, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, the host of the event, stated that “There were no requests for additional or enhanced accommodation.”
Accessibility should not be an afterthought.
We remember the good, the bad, the ugly.
Does accessibility stand out to you at events?