AI Is Taking Over!

Hi Siri. Hi Alexa. You Are My New Best Friends.

Who would have thought I can adjust the temperature without touching the thermostat? I certainly did not think that AI would be able to tell me what groceries I needed.

Technology can control nearly every aspect of your home, whether that be adjusting the temperature, closing the curtains, turning on/off the lights, setting timers/alarms and more. 

Not only is AI changing the way we work, learn, and play, but it is also changing the way we go about our everyday lives. For people with disabilities, AI is truly becoming a life changer, offering new opportunities and improved quality of life in ways that were once unimaginable.

We are seeing a great increase in accessibility for people with disabilities who are able to use their devices and interact with the world in new and exciting ways. 

Siri and Alexa assist people with mobility issues control their homes and access information.  Text-to-speech software and speech recognition technology makes it easier for people with visual impairments to use computers and mobile devices.

GnoSys, or better known as “Google Translator for the deaf and mute”, translates gestures or sign language into text and speech instantly. DeepMind uses lip-reading algorithms to accurately decipher phrases.

How Did You Get So Smart? 

Microsoft’s AI for Accessibility program aims to create solutions for the physical and cognitive challenges disabled individuals face, while working toward increasing their independence and productivity through their employment, daily life, and communication. 

What’s next?

AI powered self-driving cars will soon eliminate physical isolation, ease independent mobility, promote a more social lifestyle, and help PWD leave the house, have greater access to their communities, and more! 

People first!

As we celebrate the advances of AI, we must remember that these technologies are not just about innovation and progress, but about people and their lives. 

Collectively, we have the power to create a more inclusive and empathetic world, where AI is a tool for empowerment and a force for good.

I am ready to take our world to the next level.

Social Media

What’s App? How #Social Are You?

Have you noticed an increase in people with disabilities sharing their stories on social media? 

This powerful trend is bringing attention to the barriers and challenges that people with disabilities face in their daily lives. Social media influencers are showing the positivity of how there is success beyond disability. We are seeing the person first, then the disability. 

From inaccessible buildings to discriminatory attitudes, people with disabilities are speaking out and have become influencers about some of the obstacles that have prevented them from fully participating in society. Social platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Facebook have become powerful tools for advocacy for people to share their experiences and connect with others who share similar challenges. 

Along with the videos, many trending hashtags, such as #disability #disabilityawareness #empathymatters #accessibility and #inclusion have created communities of support and solidarity, helping people with disabilities feel less alone and more empowered.

Social media holds businesses and organizations accountable for their actions, but also invites you to get to know us as people. 

Followers? The Real Question Is: How Many Of You Are Leaders?

Storytelling is breaking down stereotypes! 

Spreading empathy is broadening the understanding of diversity and the complexity of disability. People with disabilities are using social media to call out instances of ableism and discrimination. 

Through social media we have an opportunity to create positive change by spreading empathy and showing the importance of access. 

Although people with disabilities continue to face discrimination and barriers to access in many areas of life, sharing their stories and advocating for change on social media makes their voices heard and drives the conversations forward. 

So, the next time you’re scrolling through your social media feed, take a moment to listen and learn about the real stories of people with disabilities. 

You might be surprised and appreciate the work those do in the community for disability rights and inclusion!

The time is now for this global movement.

Step it Up!

Step in our shoes, we will take you places….

It holds true, listening is often the only thing needed to help someone.

“I can only wear this type of shoe because I need the additional ankle support I need to walk. At 16 years old, I am able to completely dress myself, but my parents still have to tie my shoes. As a teenager who is striving to become totally self-sufficient, I find this extremely frustrating and, at times, embarrassing,” said Matthew Walzer, who lives with cerebral palsy. A disorder that impacts walking, balance and some fine motor skills.

Matthew expressed his concerns in a letter to Nike, which propelled a team of designers to step into the creation of a shoe with a hinged sole, allowing for ease of access and egress, with a high-tension band to help retain the shoe’s structural integrity, while still being seen as a comfort, stylish shoe. 

As I shared the adaptive footwear blog idea with my intern Brett (who also has CP) over zoom, his face lit up as he held up his FlyEase sneakers. “Oh my gosh Lori no way I have these, Matthew changed my life! They are the best most easy sneakers ever for me…I wear them everyday!”

Nike FlyEase, Reebok Adapt, Adidas Futurecraft, New Balance, Vans, and Zappos are pushing the boundaries of timeless and versatile product design and comfort, making adaptive shoes more stylish and comfortable for everyone.

It Doesn’t Stop Here. When we Represent, we Must Represent.  

We must remember not only to design something with us in mind but to give us access to the product. To remember disability is not a bad word. 

Not everyone can lace up their sneakers as quickly as you think. 

Designers and engineers are elevating fashion to be more universal by becoming more ACCESSIBLE and AFFORDABLE for a wider range of consumers. They are LISTENING.

Yes, it is a $490 Billion market.

Leading with empathy to best create inclusive designs will initiate positive social change for all industries. 

Let’s take the STEPS so others can GO PLACES they would have never imagined. 

It is time to Connect the Dots…

Connect the blocks so we can connect the dots…

How do you build “win-win” relationships?

By creating a welcoming and an accessible world.

LEGO is taking charge and capitalizing on the untapped $1.8 B market by “implementing staff training and taking additional steps to make [park] visits easier for people with autism and other disabilities” (Heasley, 2023). There will also be ratings posted outside each park ride letting individuals know what to expect (bright lights, loud noises, etc).

Quiet rooms along with shutting off certain rides throughout the day will be some of the many accommodations along with wheelchair accessibility, free admission for assistance to disabled persons has been an important part of their company’s commitment.

LEGO friends of diverse characters who have visible and non-visible disabilities, multiple skin tones, and come from different cultures and backgrounds along with neurodiversity are available to consumers.

LEADERS, it doesn’t stop here.

Are you curious to know how a company benefits with providing accessibility?

Access will not only improve for the overall user experience and will enhance the company’s culture to lead with increased productivity and satisfaction.

According to an Accenture Report, “companies that embraced best practices for employing and supporting people with disabilities achieved 28 percent higher revenue, double the net income and 30 percent higher economic profit margins over a four-year period” (, 2022).

The Lego Play Well Study 2022 discovered “over 97% of parents felt it was vital that no topic is off-limits and play should include mental health, physical disabilities, and ethnicity” (

Join LEGO to dismantle the stereotypes and barriers that stand in our way to create a sense of belonging. I celebrate the toy-maker’s decision to create more inclusive playgrounds that leave bullying behind.

TODAY we welcome the colorful blocks of diversity, equity, inclusion + accessibility for ALL.

Lift Access!

Did you send an invite to EVERYONE?

The events industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world, and yet many event planners and organizers are overlooking an important segment of their potential customer base – the disability market of 1.8 billion people.

Better yet, an untapped market with trillions in purchasing power. Not millions, trillions. $13 trillion to date and growing daily.

Are you READY or NOT to increase your event’s reach, multiply your profits, and build a reputation that your event satisfies all attendees?

FACT, 96% of DEI programs DON’T include disability. 

However, employee resource groups (ERG’s) are being implemented to provide resources and drive change within organizations as 1 in every 4 adults has a disability. 

“Will there be live captions on today’s powerpoint?” 

Organizations across the globe are working toward increasing their bottom line through their successes, but something is still missing. 

Where is the empathy? Bigger question, “Where is the + A?” The accessibility. 

“Is there a minimum of 14 point sans serif font?” 

SHRM elevates the importance of companies going beyond checking the boxes of: blind resume reviews, using diverse candidate sourcing methods, and expanding their outreach efforts to underrepresented groups, but rather, sustainable changes must come about.   

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to accessibility. Some are visible and some are invisible.

“Did I share the self-descriptions of physical characteristics of the scene over zoom?”

Is my website physically and cognitively accessible to those with disabilities?

It is time all companies and events encompass everything from dietary, hearing, vision, allergies, mobility, and so much more.  

“Is there room in the event budget for assistive listening devices or on-site interpretive services?”

“Is the flooring safe, are there accessible toilets and proper parking?” “How about emergency planning?” 

Lift Access!

It is time we put an end to exclusion and inaccessible events that happen every day. Recent national news shared a story highlighting Denver Councilman, Chris Hinds, who was forced to physically hoist himself on to the stage as it was not wheelchair accessible at a debate, “Oh, I didn’t know you were in a wheelchair,” stated the individual who greeted him. 

After signing an application stating that they were basic ADA compliant, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, the host of the event, stated that “There were no requests for additional or enhanced accommodation.” 

Accessibility should not be an afterthought.

We remember the good, the bad, the ugly. 

Does accessibility stand out to you at events?